User Guides

How to End the Mentoring Journey With Your Mentee

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Your mentee’s mentoring  journey will eventually come to an end, based on the duration set on the MentorCloud platform. Ending it thoughtfully will ensure it’s perceived as successful, and both partners can feel positive about the experience. 

You and your mentee will have acknowledged that your next meeting will be your last. Here are some tips to successfully ending a mentoring journey -

1. Prepare for your final meeting

  • Set aside some time to reflect. Did the journey meet your expectations? What would you do differently? What did you most and least enjoy? Would you do it again? 
  • Go through the goals your mentee set at the beginning. Were they achieved? Why or why not?
  • What would you like to discuss and what advice would you like to offer during your final meeting? 
  • What would you want to acknowledge and thank your mentee for? 

2. Your final meeting

  • This is a time to celebrate your journey together. If possible, make your final meeting special by choosing a different place to meet, such as meeting for lunch in a nice restaurant. You can choose a location to meet and enter it under Sessions by selecting Physical Location and add the address within the Location details text box.
  • Reflect on what has been achieved so far and celebrate your successes. Reflect on where your mentee started and how far they’ve come.
  • If some goals have not been achieved, discuss how they can be addressed going forward.

3. What’s next?

  • The formal mentoring journey has ended, but maybe you’d like to remain in contact. If so, discuss how you can stay in touch. 
  • Appreciate each other and sincerely thank your mentee.

Don’t let your mentoring journey fizzle out without concluding it with an organized final meeting. When a mentoring journey ends well it increases the overall success of the experience. 

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How to Prepare for Your First Mentoring Meeting with Your Mentee

Your first meeting is about getting to know each other and determining if it’s a good fit.
3 mins

Your first meeting is about getting to know each other and determining if it’s a good fit. Will you be able to guide your mentee and help them achieve their goals?

It’s worthwhile to spend some time preparing for your first meeting. Here are some useful tips to make it more productive -

1. Contact 

The mentee needs to reach out to you to set up the first meeting. Making your dates visible on MentorCloud will make scheduling easier. If you have synchronized your calendar, it’ll be easier to set up a date and time for your session without any scheduling conflicts. Ensure you have selected the correct time zones to avoid any confusion later.

Your meeting place, whether in-person or virtual, should be a quiet, safe space where you can both share openly. You could also select your preferred video conferencing tool.

2. Background

Read up on your mentee on MentorCloud. Your mentee might also have added a link to his/her LinkedIn profile for you to learn about their background and professional experience. 

What is their background and experience, achievements and interests? 

3. Agenda

Your mentee should send you an agenda a few days before your meeting. When you create a Session, there is space for you to note down an agenda for your meeting.


1. Who are you?

What do you want to share about yourself? 
What are your strengths, values and achievements? 
Have you mentored before? 
What lessons did you learn from that experience?

2. Why are you a mentor?

What do you hope to get out of the relationship? 
What do you hope to learn?

3. What are your expectations?

Reflect on what you expect from your mentee and how you see your role in the mentoring relationship. 

4. Parameters?

How often do you expect to meet, how you want to communicate,  and any needed boundaries you want to establish?