User Guides

How to Prepare for Your Mentoring Meeting as a Mentee

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To make your meeting productive, plan to spend at least 30 minutes preparing. Think about the following:  

  1. Task list: Were you able to complete your tasks? If not, why?
  2. Notes: Use the Notes section to reflect and write down your thoughts and ideas. If you keep a journal, go through it and reflect on what’s happened in your life and career since your last meeting.
  3. Goals: Are you on track to achieve your goals? Do you need to adjust them?
  4. New Issues: What new issues/questions do you want to discuss?
  5. Sessions: Schedule meetings and send an agenda at least a few days before.
  6. Set the agenda - An agenda or discussion topics give the meeting a clear purpose and help both partners stay on track.

To Schedule a Session, go to the Mentorship Tab and select View Relationship. You will see a button to propose a session.  Fill out the information for the session. If both parties have synchronized their calendars, you can set up a date, time, topic and set an agenda for your session. You can also choose your preferred video conferencing platform so that you don’t have to set up new meetings every time you schedule a mentoring session.

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Why Become a Mentor: The Benefits for Mentors

Why become a mentor? Many people assume mentoring only benefits the mentee.
step_1, step_2,step_3, step_4, step_5, step_6
1 min

Why become a mentor? Many people assume mentoring only benefits the mentee. In fact, mentoring can be mutually beneficial, with the mentor gaining as much as their mentee. 

Here are some reasons why you should become a mentor -

  1. Personal Reflection: Mentoring gives you the rare chance to reflect on your own career, values and purpose, and sometimes to course correct. 
  1. Learn New Things: Mentoring forces you out of your comfort zone. Your mentee can share insights on new technology and trends, and you can learn new things and stay fresh. Make sure your mentee knows you are learning from them too. 
  1. Improve Your Interpersonal Skills: Mentoring requires developing your social skills, such as listening, feedback and questioning. Through mentoring, you will have a lot of opportunities to practice with them. 
  1. Give Back: Experience the satisfaction of making a difference in another person’s life and seeing them grow and learn. It’s the right thing to do and will make you feel good. 
  1. Strengthen  Your Leadership Bona Fides: Mentor experience is required for many executive positions and will boost your career development.