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How to Reflect and Summarize

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The ability to reflect on and summarize what your partner has said is part of being an active listener and will improve the effectiveness of your session. 

Reflect on what you hear -
Listen to your partner’s words and think deeply about it. Try to understand where they are coming from, what they mean and come up with your own ideas or thoughts on the subject. This shows your partner that you are listening and carefully considering what they have to say.

Observe –
You should also pay attention to non-verbal cues and behavior you see. You may say, “I noticed you looked down when you said that…”, or “It seemed like your voice softened when you mentioned that person. Is there something more you want to say about them?” 

Summarize -
Periodically, summarize what you have heard and check that it’s accurate. Summarizing and checking shows you’ve been listening and understanding what your mentoring partner has said. You may rephrase what they said and ask if it’s what they meant. It also helps you recollect important points they have mentioned or clarify anything that was unclear.

Give a shortened version of what you’ve heard by stating the key facts. Don’t try to interpret or add to it. Use this skill when you feel ideas are getting confusing, or when there seems to be more than one issue on the table.

You may use the Notes tab to summarize and keep track of any ideas or key points discussed during the Session so you have it handy for later. You may also refer to it before your next Session and keep track of your progress.

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How to End the Mentoring Journey with Your Mentor

You and your mentor will have acknowledged that your next meeting will be your last.
2 mins

You and your mentor will have acknowledged that your next meeting will be your last. Here’s how to prepare for your last meeting. 

1. Prepare for your final meeting

  • Set aside some time to reflect on what you have achieved so far. What have you learned? Did the journey meet your expectations? What would you do differently? 
  • Go through the goals you set. Were they achieved? 
  • Make notes on what you would like to discuss during your final meeting. Is there advice you would like?
  • What would you like to thank your mentor for? 
  • Would you like to be a mentor in the future?

2. Your final meeting

  • Now is the time to celebrate your journey together. If possible, make it special by choosing a different place to meet, such as for lunch in a nice restaurant. You can choose a location to meet and enter it under Sessions. Simply select Schedule and go to Session Location and select Physical Location. You can type in the address within the Location details text box. 
  • Reflect on what you have achieved so far and celebrate your successes. Share what you learned and how you have grown.
  • If you did not achieve all your goals, discuss your plans going forward. 
  • Share with your mentor what you felt was effective and where their mentoring could be improved.

3. What’s next?

  • Your formal mentoring journey is over, but you both may decide to remain in contact. If so, how will you stay in touch? 
  • Appreciate your mentor. Thank them for what they have done for you.

Don’t let your mentoring journey fizzle out without formally concluding it. When a mentoring journey ends well it adds to the overall positive experience.